Assalamualaikum, selamat malam teman temanku sekalian :D
it's been so long since i wrote in this blog. too many reasons behind it. dari sibuk kelulusan, ambis mode on, males, ga mood, ketagihan striming running man sampe kebanyakan tidur.
but now i 'm happily telling you, after the bloody massive war with my report score and the SNMPTN strategy and UN and TO SBMPTN that: si kupluk yang satu ini berhasil dapet Komunikasi Universitas Diponegoro via SNMPTN 2014 dan Kriminologi Universitas Indonesia via PPKB UI 2014.
at that moment i really felt that i was in heaven already.
setelah sampe stress berbulan2 yang berdampak siklus menstruasi gue berubah menjadi 3 bulan sekali, a self wake up call in 3am, sleepless nights bcs of a low self esteem about my future score on UN and SBMPTN. i feel like this massacre was worth the consequence. and i hope by telling you this, i can boost your self esteem krn gaada yang ga mungkin asal kamu berusaha. sekeras mungkin, secerdas mungkin, seoptimal mungkin.
kalo kata JKT 48 : "usaha keras nggak akan mengkhianati" *pake gaya cute ala jkt*
but after all, karena gue lebih memilih ngebolang which is definitely gue ngambil komunikasi undip (lagipula gabisa milih krim juga krn lebih mutlak snmptn dibanding ppkb), gue ingin melatih kemampuan menulis gue kembali sebagai calon jurnalis. dengan lebih beradab, lebih bermanner dan lebih berorientasi fakta.
bukan berarti nulis berita yg plek plek banget kayak di detik gitu sih. masih berawal dari opini2 gue yg mendominasi. tp kan hanya untuk sharing thoughts aja. bukan ngedoktrin hehehe
i really want to convey my inner thoughts of what's going on with this world. my pure talk. which is somehow my point of view is kinda different in several factors.
idealisnya, i really want to take a pure essence of what is being right and what is wise (still in my POV) i really want to make a better future. a better living which is there isn't too much hatred or violence spread around us.
bcs this kind of thing, is all i can do in order to contribute to make this world even better. by writing and conveying my somehow radical and rude thoughts to you. to persuade you to join and together see the world in a better point of few by criticize me, suggest me any worthy advice and give your point of few in order to integrate and have the consensus together.
so, see you soon in my next postings abt random stuffs i'm gonna talk.
happy holiday!!! selamat bulan Ramadhan!!
alysha paxia
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